watch me slay, 2022
single channel digital video, 2 min 38 sec
Video: Ben Golotta
She rides her mighty brumby and storms this starry night
from red dust and rock and dune to milky way
she scales jagged cliff from valley floor
for stealth-like vantage height
eyes fixed on their dystopian decay
They arrive to take possession with their bibles and their guns
promise freedom and salvation steeped in lies
in their sacred name of Father / Holy Dollar / Corporate Son
and their trickster patron saint in cunning guise
see her flame and feel the burn
know black power
watch her slay
see golden flame BLK-PWR
watch her slay
Colossal-deep and open-cut they mine her till she nearly breaks
for their multi-national off-shore gammon trade
she tastes a trace of blood-drenched cash
and tracks them in their wake
she arms herself with ancestors and blade
She ascends beyond graves etched deep all heart and clever might
she evades their chase and castes a knowing smile
she leaves a trail of golden-tread through their rusty prison gates
resisting military assault with staunch and style
see her flame and feel the burn
know black power
watch her slay
see golden flame BLK-PWR
watch her slay
She said…
I will hold my future skin-to-skin and cradle fiercely in my arms
I will shape-shift into prophet saint divine
I will hold you all accountable for police-state sanctioned harm
and rise-up a revolution in these colonial fresh-hell times
I will read you like the brilliant stars that guide and fire my life
I will end your wars through nebula sublime
I will return, resume, re-occupy to nurture back my lands
I will live and thrive and ride this brumby high
see my flame and feel the burn
know black power
watch me slay
see this golden flame BLK-PWR
watch me slay